Budget 2022: New Federal Agency

Heads up! This post is now 3 years old, and the content may not be current information.

Calling on Canadians and Canadian businesses to transform original ideas and technologies into competitive new products, services and business growth on a global scale, the government intends to create and support an “operationally independent federal innovation and investment agency.” Starting in 2022-23, Ottawa will invest $1 billion over five years to support its initial operations.

Ottawa hopes to emulate Finnish and Israeli programs that have propelled these countries into global innovation leaders. Through its own market-oriented innovation and investment agency, the program will be guided by private sector leadership and expertise.

Later this year, more details on its operating budget will be released.

For more information, and to find out if you may qualify for these benefits, call Jason Adams, 877-753-2678, or email Jason jason@sjeconsulting.com

Written By Steven Eddy

Steven is the President and Founder of SJE Consulting Ltd. He has years of business experience navigating the complex world of government grants for small businesses, research and development projects, and tax credits.

Posted to: Budget 2022

June 07, 2022

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