IRAP Spotlight – Post-Process Expenses

Heads up! This post is now 4 years old, and the content may not be current information.

For a recent client of SJE Consulting Ltd., the most expensive part of their entire production was post-process expenses. Fixing deficiencies caused by a flawed design resulted in a 60 per cent hike in costs for the speciality material manufacturer. 

This problem slowed their productivity and the added expenses made it impossible for them to achieve competitive prices. This put the company at a distinct disadvantage in its market.   

Our client explored ways in which it could resolve these concerns through its regular operations and cash flow. They discovered that the costs necessary to support this project would not be feasible, pushing the ability to solve this significant challenge to the backburner. 

When this client turned to SJE Consulting for guidance, we introduced them to a government grant that has been a difference-maker for many of our clients. It’s called the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP).

Learn more about how SJE Consulting helps clients with IRAP. 

Funding through this program provided our client with the support necessary to get their project started right away and to the degree of complexity it needed to achieve its objectives. IRAP supports small, medium, and large projects, providing a subsidy to help the company cover costs related to both salaries and contractors working on projects with technological uncertainty. 

If you have any questions about how we can leverage IRAP to help your business, please don’t hesitate to e-mail Steven Eddy at or Jason Adams at 

Written By Steven Eddy

Steven is the President and Founder of SJE Consulting Ltd. He has years of business experience navigating the complex world of government grants for small businesses, research and development projects, and tax credits.

Posted to: IRAP | Spotlight

January 21, 2021

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